Citala National Security

A Comprehensive DDoS Defense Solution for National Security

In an era where cyber threats are rapidly evolving, Citala National Security provides a powerful and proactive DDoS defense solution at the national level. Designed for governments and central cyber security agencies, Citala National Security enables complete oversight, coordination, and mitigation of DDoS threats across all Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and critical national institutions / enterprises. With Citala National Security, countries can take control of their cybersecurity, ensuring resilient, uninterrupted service for vital sectors and the people who depend on them.

Key Features and solution modules

Citala Security offers a centralized command center for national-level DDoS protection. This solution is built with three essential modules—StateView, StateVertical, and StateProtection—each designed to provide unique insights and control for safeguarding a nation’s digital infrastructure.

DDoS shield protection


Stay Informed, Stay Secure – Full Visibility Across National CSPs and National Institutions / Enterprises

StateView provides a comprehensive, real-time overview of all DDoS-related activities across the country’s CSPs and key enterprises. This module enables national security authorities to monitor network health, view live attack statuses, and access detailed statistics on traffic volumes and attack patterns. With StateView, decision-makers can gain immediate insights into the scale and distribution of attacks, facilitating effective response coordination.

No. 1

Real-time dashboard displaying activity across all critical enterprises

No. 2

Access to traffic and attack statistics for situational awareness

No. 3

Live status updates on ongoing and mitigated attacks


Customize Monitoring by Critical Sectors for Targeted Defense

StateVertical allows authorities to drill down into specific verticals—such as healthcare, defense, finance, and education—regardless of the CSP providing service to those sectors. This capability is invaluable for targeting protection efforts and tailoring response strategies for each critical industry. By offering a vertical-specific view, StateVertical ensures that sectors essential to national security receive dedicated monitoring and precise threat intelligence.

No. 1

Customized visibility for vital verticals like hospitals, banks, military, and universities

No. 2

Detailed insights into sector-specific activity and attack metrics

No. 3

Enhanced focus on protecting high-priority industries and institutions


Proactive and Coordinated National-Level Defense

StateProtection enables a proactive approach to DDoS mitigation at the national level by linking CSPs and critical institutions / enterprises in coordinated defense efforts. This module creates a connected ecosystem where CSPs are immediately alerted about ongoing attacks and their characteristics, allowing for faster and more effective responses. Additionally, StateProtection can send alerts to other enterprises within the same vertical when a major institution—such as a large bank or hospital—is under attack, ensuring a synchronized response across the country.

No. 1

Instant alerts for CSPs on current attack threats, enhancing response speed

No. 2

Coordinated defense mechanism for sector-wide protection across critical enterprises

No. 3

Automated notifications to protect enterprises of national importance during major attacks

Why Choose Flowsec's Citala National Security for National-Level DDoS Protection?

Citala National Security is more than just a cybersecurity solution; it’s a powerful tool for safeguarding a nation’s infrastructure from cyber threats. By offering unmatched visibility, targeted protection, and proactive coordination, Citala National Security empowers countries to take leading role in defending against DDoS attacks. With FLOWSEC’s Citala National Security solution, governments can ensure continuity, trust, and resilience in their digital ecosystem.

Contact Us

    Flowsec Ltd.

    Flowsec provides cutting-edge SaaS DDoS protection solutions for ISPs, CSPs, enterprises, MSSPs, and the national security sector. With multi-tenant and global shield technology, Flowsec enables communication service providers to offer advanced DDoS protection services to their customers.

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